This is an unoffical roster from shipmates and family members signing this roster log. I do NOT have offiical Coral Sea crew roster data. Refer to cruise books if you're trying to verify if someone was on the USS Coral Sea. View Cruise Books here.
Total shipmates in the roster:
Newest shipmates to sign the roster:
Last entry: Tue Mar 18, 2025 - 12:35 PM
Mark Battaglia - A - 81-86 Edward Campbell - "W" Division - 1982-1983 Larry Atwater - M Div, Dental - 72-75 Joseph Hillegas - hvac/r - 78-79 Kevin DelColle - OC - 76-80
View/Sign Crew Roster Database:
The USS Coral Sea Tribute Site guestbook has been discontinued. The archives from previous years will remain.
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